Starting Your New Business

What to Consider Before Starting Your New Business

Ezra Cabrera | September 11, 2019


    Starting a business is a huge decision and a process that requires much planning. Some may think the dream of starting a business is unattainable but going into it with a game plan can help you better execute your business goals and develop a successful business.

    This article will provide a list of things to think about before starting your small business.

    Make a business plan

    This may be an obvious tip, but failure to accurately outline your business plan can lead to many challenges down the road.

    Your business plan should include the following elements:

    • Business overview and structure
    • Company’s goals and strategy
    • Products and services
    • A competitor analysis
    • Marketing plan and sales
    • Target market analysis
    • Financial plan and needs
    • Projections

    Consider looking at business plan templates or samples to help you understand and develop your unique business plan.


    Plan your finances

    One of the biggest mistakes new business owners make is not properly estimating the funds that are needed to start a business. Many small business owners are caught off guard by different costs they failed to calculate in their financial plan. For that reason, they end up facing financial challenges that can be hard to remedy.

    Related: 6 Unexpected Expenses that Catch Small Businesses Off Guard

    Do your research. You may not have enough start-up capital, so consider applying for a business loan or finding an angel investor to get your business off the ground. With the extra cash, you won’t have a problem funding important business investments and take advantage of different opportunities that may come your way.

    Make sure you can see yourself doing this long-term

    A general rule of thumb for starting a business is to never start something you don’t see yourself doing in 5 years. The thought of owning your own business and being your own boss is a dream that many have. Unfortunately, many people end up failing within the first 5 years for the simple fact that they were in over their heads.

    Related: 5 Main Reasons Why Small Businesses Fail in the First 5 Years

    Starting and owning your own business is a lot of work and there isn’t an instant guarantee of success. It takes great risk and comes with many challenges, so it’s important to understand what you are getting into before taking the plunge.

    Passion is the driving force that will motivate you to keep going through all the challenges. If you don’t have passion behind your project, it might not be worth the struggle and sacrifice of owning a business. Make sure you are prepared for the challenges and are committed to the success of your business.

    Don’t be afraid to fail

    Nobody’s perfect and starting your small business probably won’t be rainbows and sunshine from the beginning. Entrepreneurship is all about trial and error, so don’t let your fear get in the way of your success.

    Everything is not always going to go as planned, but that’ll bring you one step closer to figuring out what works for your business.

    Understand that owning and running your own business is a learning process. You’ll run into problems along the way, but you’ll also figure it out as you go.

    You’ll need a support system

    Whether its family and friends or a business mentor, having a support system is going to help you when times don’t seem so bright.

    Tough times are easier to get through when you have people around you who support your goals and can offer you advice. Lean on others and learn from their experiences to help you get through yours.

    You’ll need to hire help

    Running a business alone is almost impossible, and as your business continues to grow, you’ll need to hire help. The first few employees you hire will be an important asset to your company’s success, so you must hire quality candidates.

    Many new business owners haven’t had prior experience in managing people. As you step into this new role, you’ll need to learn how to effectively manage your team. That means learning how to properly communicate, delegate tasks, and set standards for your new business.

    Make an employee handbook that clearly defines your company’s mission, values, policies, benefits, and any other important information.

    Develop a good relationship with your employees as they can be extremely beneficial in developing your company’s unique culture. If they have a good idea for improving a process or creating new processes, be open to trying it.


    Starting your own business doesn’t have to remain a dream. With the right plan, financing, a solid support system, and the underlying passion to achieve that dream, it is attainable. With any new business, you’re going to constantly run into bumps in the road, but keep going, because all the hard work will pay off in the end.

    About the Author

    Ezra Neiel Cabrera has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a major in Entrepreneurial Marketing. Over the last 3 years, she has been writing business-centric articles to help small business owners grow and expand. Ezra mainly writes for SMB Compass, but you can find some of her work in All Business, Small Biz Daily, LaunchHouse, Marketing2Business, and Clutch, among others. When she’s not writing, you’ll find her in bed eating cookies and binge-watching Netflix.